At the beginning of SUMMER James and I decided that we wanted to plant a garden in the little area we had beside our house. After calling around for advice on how to get a garden started and going to the local Home Depot for some seeds we were ready to plant. First we had to pick up all the rock that was currently occupying the space, take out the black tarp stuff underneath, and pull out the broken pipe line that we found in the process. Luckily it was only for a very old sprinkler system that was no longer being used. In that small area we planted peas, corn, berries, and watermelon. We also had strawberries and cucumbers in pots that we planted earlier. The STRAWBERRIES had produced a nice little batch but the cucumbers only produce one little thing that you could hardly call a cucumber. After all that hard work we finally got a WATERMELON from our patch. It was very large and was very tasty. We soon discovered that we had about 6 more coming in that hopefully we will get to pick soon. The only problem was we never thought that our watermelon patch would become so big. It has taken over the whole area and more. Once we pick the watermelon that are currently growing we will probably rethink what we grow in the garden. On the bright side we learned a lot about gardening and in the mean time get to enjoy some YUMMY WATERMELON.


Unknown said...

wow that is a big watermelon! good job! love the pics.

Amber Waite said...

That IS a huge watermelon! And you say you have even MORE! AWESOME! That is so cool that you have a garden. That's one thing I've been wanting for a while but unfortunely it just hasn't been high enough on my list. I am sure proud of my big sis, the gardener. Great job and great post too!