With two months shy of outgrowing our little Toyota Corolla I finally got my van. We actually ended up with a 2004 Nissan Quest. James was excited because it didn't look like a van. I was excited because I not only didn't have to drive James to work anytime that I needed the car but I could fit more then 5 people at one time. Take a look at my new used car.


Lani said...

Yea for you! I still remember the day when Jared and I finally got our first van and I didn't have to take him to work anymore! It opened up a whole new world!
Have fun crusin' around!

Rach n Adam said...

Nice! It is nice when you have more room for the kids! Enjoy it!

heidi said...

i can just imagine how much more nice it is for you to have more space!

Anonymous said...

Oh wonderful! I love having a van it's so much more room for everyone!